Are there any sort of monthly coupon codes to obtain?
Greetings LindsZel!
On our official Discord page we do have coupon codes listed with their expiration dates, our discord will be able to help you locate all coupons in one area & you'll know how long they're active for. I shall provide a link below for you to join, when you have a moment definitely consider signing up if you haven't already.
0New to black dessert online30.09.20230 167ToxicClipz30.09.2023
0Hii my names autumn looking for someone25.08.20232 451Autarose25.08.2023
0New to app08.06.20231 388LindsZel08.06.2023
0Magnus Quest07.06.20230 231Dstad8407.06.2023
0Guild Support Box18.12.20220 268MomoMarco18.12.2022