Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Neferpi*** 2018-06-01 06:55
3630 31 0 0
1 2
# 1
Edit Date : 01.06.2018

anyone play it?

i wanted to refund it cos theres no way that QA happend in any way
the tutorial had crucial errors in it telling you skills to equip that dont exist

everytime you level up it says "You have gained 11Level"

the games is poorly optimized runs on dx9 and the community found solutions to optimize it by simply tweaking the ini which means who ever worked on it had no clue about U3 engine
the features like action combat didnt happen and are know "delayed"
action camera didnt happen aswell making the game feel like a 12 year old MMO
oh wait.. the list goes on

they released it as Early Access  stripped all the content from it the game had prior its re-release like endgame, arena and stuff like that
game is actualy 7 years old and had 3 releases already .. which all failed
classes are total outbalanced for a pvp game
mage one shot everything b y pressing 222
all classes have skills that dont work and are bugged
there was a dupe exploit in the game .. for 7 years >_> 
they havnt patched it out the japanese version and now it is in the re release of the game aswell.. catastrophic

the pros of bless are that it is slack off mmo and i like the way it includes your character into the arc and also makes you  very chill with your answers you give to npc which feels good and dosnt make
this game so super serious 
also that you can tame every monster is a very awesome feature, feels like pokemon at some point
you ever wanted to ride a orc into battlefield? well go for it 

overall i would highly suggest not to play it
mmo start are always a fun experience and i like this sort of gameplay beside having to struggle with all the server issues but meeting with players ingame and experience stuff together is just what i want to go after enjoying an MMO
to some extinct bless is like that movie you watch with friends because it is realy bad but still gives you a good  time


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 01.06.2018

Nope. I was following it but I was highly skeptical about a game that has failed three times already and had no open beta. Why wouldn't they have a beta to verify your fixes worked? why wouldn't they want to show off their improvements by allowing us to try it for a weekend? After reading the reviews about frame rate drops, bugs, and item dupes that were identical to previous versions of the game I guess I know why they didn't want to show it off.

Character Name Dartha***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 03.06.2018

Can we just summarize that its a shitty game that's going to crash and burn.. it actually has already tho

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 03.06.2018

Just another quick money grab. Don't expect much from this crap

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 23.12.2018



Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 29.11.2018
14 hours ago, Harming said:

The pvp was fun untill the game died. It only happened a few times a day though.  Nothing else kept my interest in game.  A few of us also exploited selling chili pepper and made tens of thousands of gold before it was patched.  It broke the economy completely and the devs did nothing about it. 

I didn't realize Bless Unleashed was released...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 29.11.2018

I'll try it out if it comes before BDX

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 29.11.2018
12 minutes ago, Beond said:

I'll try it out if it comes before BDX

Same. I'm under no illusions about a free to play game but Warframe is pretty decent so maybe this has a shot. They're still saying there will be a beta before the end of the year so I guess we'll see. Maybe it will crash and burn like Bless Online but a different dev/studio on a different engine with a different publisher tells me it's a different game, but not sure if people are aware of the differences or just playing ignorant.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 29.11.2018
41 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Same. I'm under no illusions about a free to play game but Warframe is pretty decent so maybe this has a shot. They're still saying there will be a beta before the end of the year so I guess we'll see. Maybe it will crash and burn like Bless Online but a different dev/studio on a different engine with a different publisher tells me it's a different game, but not sure if people are aware of the differences or just playing ignorant.

Yeah the combat is hella different maybe it will be better

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 23.12.2018
On 11/29/2018 at 7:39 AM, Jammer480 said:

I didn't realize Bless Unleashed was released...


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
7 hours ago, Harming said:

Naw the PC version.

I wouldnt touch another Bless game after that. It fails everywhere it pops up in every form.

Oh ok, I'm not really a fan of Call of Duty either

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 23.12.2018
On 11/30/2018 at 8:04 AM, Jammer480 said:

Oh ok, I'm not really a fan of Call of Duty either


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
8 minutes ago, Harming said:

Hmmm cant tell if your talking about the 1 shots in pvp on PC version or insisting that somehow bless unchained is completely different (like call of duty) .  Either way, save your money.  They promised us a fully reworked game thats completely different and improved with each release of bless.... and it's always been a trash tier cash grab. Wouldn't expect anything different with this one. 

Lol, it's free to play so yes, I will save my money. But a new dev studio with a new engine with an actual solid publisher and game built from the ground up specifically for console, definitely down to give it a try. Don't care about bless online, apparently just another piece of hot pc garbage.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 23.12.2018
On 11/30/2018 at 10:24 AM, Jammer480 said:

Lol, it's free to play so yes, I will save my money. But a new dev studio with a new engine with an actual solid publisher and game built from the ground up specifically for console, definitely down to give it a try. Don't care about bless online, apparently just another piece of hot pc garbage.


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
40 minutes ago, Harming said:

The publisher is a sub company of Neowiz.  It's like Walmart starting their own trucking company to ship their goods and giving it another name so people don't know they pay themselves. 

They do this in every region, promise revamps and a system that's new and improved. They build up some hype, sell some founders packs and the game launches broken and in maintenance mode.  The devs wont fix issues and itll be a graveyard in weeks. 

All they care about is that starter pack burst of cash then their titles get abandoned. 

Lmfao, pretty sure Bandai Namco is not a sub company of Neowiz(get your facts straight), and the developer is Round 8 Studio,  Neowiz is the mother company of Round 8. A more accurate comparison is Microsoft having 343 industries and Undead Labs and then saying that because Halo 5 is garbage so is State of Decay 2.(hypothetical)

Bless Online had major performance issues because they stuck with garbage Unreal Engine 3, Bless Unleashed will be on Unreal Engine 4, and no more tab targeting. 

But I get it, you played some version of a game on pc so you know how this game will go on xbox...yeah...okay...

Maybe this game will fail on xbox, who knows, time will tell I suppose. I just don't see the harm in giving it a shot on it's own merits. It will be free, btw.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 30.11.2018

Looking forward to play it, possibly before bdx release

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
6 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Looking forward to play it, possibly before bdx release

Same, and tbh I have low expectations for it and don't plan to spend any money on it. They're still saying they plan to have a beta this yr.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
41 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Same, and tbh I have low expectations for it and don't plan to spend any money on it. They're still saying they plan to have a beta this yr.

I don't expect anything, if it can hold me playing for 3/4 months before bdx releases its fine

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 23.12.2018


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 30.11.2018

Typical and expected response...

Also, for the logical interested people out there... beta has been delayed to 2019(big surprise). Guessing this game won't release till 2020.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
44 minutes ago, Harming said:

You poor guys.

Well guess you never know if the stove hot till you touch it yourself.

Best of luck.

Bdx will be p2w **** like on pc?

That's the logic you follow. Also if someone does like bless, you don't have to trash him because you don't. 

I like tera too, who cares if it's bad if I enjoy the combat?

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 23.12.2018


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 30.11.2018
3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Bdx will be p2w **** like on pc?

That's the logic you follow. Also if someone does like bless, you don't have to trash him because you don't. 

I like tera too, who cares if it's bad if I enjoy the combat?

Tbh, I have no idea if I'll like it. The ideas are great and the potential is there, now they just need to execute those to perfection. I'm just happy to see more mmos coming to console. Next gen is gonna be hard on my social life...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 02.12.2018

I looked at it, thought the classes looked boring, decided I probably won't play it. If it's out, free, and I'm not currently busy with another game, I might try it out.

Character Name Wiitchcr***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 24.04.2019

Any chances of Bless unleashed coming to XBOX soon ?

Character Name Fodemho***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 26.04.2019
On 4/24/2019 at 5:54 PM, Fodemhouse said:

Any chances of Bless unleashed coming to XBOX soon ?

The game was such a titanic failure in multiple countries i doubt xbox would pick it up

Character Name Hieraph***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 28.04.2019

It’s already in Beta, played yesterday since I couldn’t download Black desert... It’s a shame we don’t have Black Desert in Brazilian Store... ridiculous 

Bless yet not good... Too early to say anything about the game

Character Name Fodemho***
Main Character
# 29
Edit Date : 30.04.2019
On 4/26/2019 at 5:29 PM, Hieraphant said:

The game was such a titanic failure in multiple countries i doubt xbox would pick it up

Bless Unleashed has never been released. Oh, you're thinking of Bless Online? Totally different game(except for the story) a little research. Most likely releasing on Xbox this year, just had their first closed beta this past wknd.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 30
Edit Date : 30.04.2019
53 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Bless Unleashed has never been released. Oh, you're thinking of Bless Online? Totally different game(except for the story) a little research. Most likely releasing on Xbox this year, just had their first closed beta this past wknd.

Yes i get that its different but Bless has been released and rereleased and altered and rereleased. I dont expect much from this title but thats my opinion

Character Name Hieraph***
Main Character

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