Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


What are you playing till BDO comes out
Der_Gottkanz*** 2018-03-15 11:41
9994 136 0 0
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# 31
Edit Date : 19.03.2018

Im on SEA BDO it was released like 2 months ago and you get a nice idea of what we will see in XBOX launch

it gives a good insight where to invest, what materials to buy early of MP and which nodes you should go over right from the start


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 32
Edit Date : 19.03.2018
2 hours ago, Koroyosh8 said:

With cheaters i mean people which manipulate the game to get a advantage. Or you just make stuff like you dont getting any dmg etc.

Botter would give you a realy unfair advantage, i dont now how bad it is, but a fact ist, that its easyer to cheat on pc then on consol.

My main reasons to play on consols are (in this order):

1. Im like 1 year and 10 months behinde... thats to much to catch up

2. i just like it more to play on my tv, its just more comfortable and its always working (not have to change parts of the console)

3. Better community... but i dont know the XBox community, hope its the same then on PS4^^

I meant like what do cheaters do on BDO PC. I'm aware of the botters. Those guys are everywhere. The console community is much better in my experience.

Yeah sitting down with a controller defiantly a lot more casual and chill for people who work disgusting amounts of hours. 

Character Name The Gui***
Main Character
# 33
Edit Date : 20.03.2018

Monster hunter World and a couple of mobile games. I wonder if I'm the only mobile player in here ?

Character Name To***
Main Character
# 34
Edit Date : 22.03.2018

Just downloaded fortnite on xbox and tbh its kind of fun. you cant really invest into a game like that but it sure burns time

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 35
Edit Date : 25.03.2018

Mostly old single player strategy games like Rome Total War and Civ, a little Skyrim and a sandbox game kind of like Ark Survival minus the hunger crap mixed with Harry Potter called Citadel Forged with Fire

Character Name Dartha***
Main Character
# 36
Edit Date : 26.03.2018

So we all know that TERA is coming to Xbox on April 3(or earlier if you pay), anyone playing? And is anyone interested in the Defiance 2050 beta coming next month?

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 37
Edit Date : 26.03.2018

Here is some Defiance 2050 game play from GDC....


Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 38
Edit Date : 27.03.2018

the first defiance was so bad/boring ... (my opinion). I dont think of playing it again, even if it is better.


well TERA could be fun. But on the other side, I Play a lot of singleplayer games. AND ... BDO > TERA. so it would be a waste of time for me. just finished "A Way Out" with my Wife. Really cool Couch-Koop Game.


- EDIT -

LOL ... Start of TERA with "FOUNDERS PACK" is today. That was fast. 

Character Name Der_Gottkanz***
Main Character
# 39
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
On 3/17/2018 at 5:29 PM, Daniel said:

Im gonna try too. Nothing to Play on xbone anyway 

Did you try it? If so how was it?

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 40
Edit Date : 12.04.2018

Unfortunately, I don't want to invest time into something I am not going to play, so ESO and TERA are out. I did not really like TERA on PC or what I've tried on Xbox. I didn't know about the new Defiance game, though. I think it could go either way as good/bad. I didn't much care for the first game, but I was a big fan of the series. Unfortunately again, I am the type to sink my time into one game only, and the only way I'll look at any other MMO is if I do not like BDO for some reason. Until then, I have been hunting monsters... which is getting pretty old already.

Path of Exile is a pretty good game. You kind of have to keep up with it though; Those developers move fast. Log out for a few weeks and everything has changed. 

Character Name SpaceVarm***
Main Character
# 41
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
1 hour ago, SpaceVarmint said:

Unfortunately, I don't want to invest time into something I am not going to play, so ESO and TERA are out. I did not really like TERA on PC or what I've tried on Xbox. I didn't know about the new Defiance game, though. I think it could go either way as good/bad. I didn't much care for the first game, but I was a big fan of the series. Unfortunately again, I am the type to sink my time into one game only, and the only way I'll look at any other MMO is if I do not like BDO for some reason. Until then, I have been hunting monsters... which is getting pretty old already.

Path of Exile is a pretty good game. You kind of have to keep up with it though; Those developers move fast. Log out for a few weeks and everything has changed. 

Until I get a release date, I'm going to continue to "invest" in other long term games. If BDO gets delayed til next year or cancelled completely, I'll be pissed. But I'd be even more pissed if I had sat around waiting, lol.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 42
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
1 minute ago, Jammer480 said:

Until I get a release date, I'm going to continue to "invest" in other long term games. If BDO gets delayed til next year or cancelled completely, I'll be pissed. But I'd be even more pissed if I had sat around waiting, lol.

Those same thoughts have crossed my mind for sure. I do think ESO is a decent game, but all my friends play shooters and the guilds ive joined seemed to be just shells of what they once were with just a couple people online. Don’t care for TERA. Just seems to be a dry patch when it comes to games right now. If I had a “fallback” it would be ESO right now though.

Character Name SpaceVarm***
Main Character
# 43
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
1 hour ago, SpaceVarmint said:

Those same thoughts have crossed my mind for sure. I do think ESO is a decent game, but all my friends play shooters and the guilds ive joined seemed to be just shells of what they once were with just a couple people online. Don’t care for TERA. Just seems to be a dry patch when it comes to games right now. If I had a “fallback” it would be ESO right now though.

Depending on info from BDO about pending release, I'll probably jump back in ESO next month.  Just needed a break from ESO so playing Tera n trying not to get too wrapped up. Not a big fan of Tera, tbh. Not sure what I'll do about State of Decay 2 next month. Maybe sub to GamePass for a bit just to try it. 

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 44
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
14 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Depending on info from BDO about pending release, I'll probably jump back in ESO next month.  Just needed a break from ESO so playing Tera n trying not to get too wrapped up. Not a big fan of Tera, tbh. Not sure what I'll do about State of Decay 2 next month. Maybe sub to GamePass for a bit just to try it. 

Bruh im just about ready to jump back into eso too. I just h8 how pressured you are to buy eso+ for efficient crafting

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 45
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
On 3/19/2018 at 10:59 AM, Koroyosh8 said:

Black Desert on PC


But im not sure if i should by a XBox with the goldservice just for this one game or wait for the ps4 version. But was very good move from Microsoft to get this time exclusiv... very smart.


Oh and if they make crossplay i dont buy the consol version... would be realy stupid to be even more behinde

If you dont have people to play with on ps4 might as well switch. If you have friends who will for sure play with you, you could wait.

Mmo wise playing with/meeting new people is more fun sometimes imo

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 46
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
21 minutes ago, Azuki said:

Bruh im just about ready to jump back into eso too. I just h8 how pressured you are to buy eso+ for efficient crafting

Yeah, I can't imagine life without the crafting bag...the only reason I sub. I have all the dlc and all my toons are max cp and I don't need the crowns so yeah, it does kinda suck paying for just the bag. You can get house storage now so its more possible to go without the sub. I've just been living in Cryodiil the past few months anyway, wasn't doing much crafting, just the odd glyphs for friends.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 47
Edit Date : 12.04.2018
2 hours ago, Azuki said:

Bruh im just about ready to jump back into eso too. I just h8 how pressured you are to buy eso+ for efficient crafting

I too feel the need to pay for the bag. That's why i play a month and get my money's worth when i do sub. I don't really mind the subscription fee though, as long as I'm having fun. Just hasn't been much fun grinding new toons lately. I played back in the early PC days, but I am way behind on Xbox version. 

Character Name SpaceVarm***
Main Character
# 48
Edit Date : 12.04.2018

They'e changing some things in this next chapter that I'm pretty happy about. You'll be able to craft jewellery. Also 2 handed weapons will count for 2 set pieces. Both those changes are huge! But will leave it in a heartbeat if BDO...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 49
Edit Date : 21.04.2018

Radical Heights, Pubg, occasionally MEMEnite, and Black Desert on PC

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 50
Edit Date : 23.04.2018

I just realized starcraft 2 is f2p lol. 

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 51
Edit Date : 26.04.2018

For those of you on Xbox, Defiance 2050 beta is starting tomorrow(Apr. 27 - 29). If you're interested but don't have a key, just follow the instructions below.

To access the Defiance 2050 Closed Beta:

1. Launch the Xbox Insider Hub (or install the Xbox Insider Hub from the Store first if needed).

2. From the main landing page, select "Insider content" from the side menu.

3. Navigate to "Games > Defiance 2050 Closed Beta".

4. Select "Join".

5. Download Defiance 2050 now and get ready to play on April 27.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 52
Edit Date : 27.04.2018

A bit of BDO on PC a week or two ago. Mostly Overwatch on console.

Character Name Cookiesnm***
Main Character
# 53
Edit Date : 27.04.2018

Bought a PS4 Pro in my april holidays and playing God of War 4, TLOU, Horizon Complete. LoL


Character Name Der_Gottkanz***
Main Character
# 54
Edit Date : 27.04.2018

Far Cry 5, Monster Hunter, Tera, Eso, Terraria, PixArk (big ol' nope on that one right now), Skyforge, Ark ... basically anything I can get my hands on right now. Trying to keep occupied while waiting for this to release. 

Character Name Tek***
Main Character
# 55
Edit Date : 27.04.2018

Bought a 2007 rx-8 to work on until the game comes out lol

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 56
Edit Date : 03.05.2018

I am still playing ESO on xbox to some extent(pretty much every night) so if any of you want to join, feel free to jump in my game. Or if you played in the past but no longer play, feel free to send me unwanted material, gear, etc. 

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 57
Edit Date : 05.05.2018

Half life 3 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 58
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

i installed ff xv king edition today on xbaws one x

Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 59
Edit Date : 10.05.2018

I'm playing Paladins cause im cheap. I did play Paragon, but it's shut down for now until this other company gets it (hopefully its back up soon :I) 

and Skyrim. (im excited for elder scrolls summerset ) 

Character Name RainyWil***
Main Character
# 60
Edit Date : 10.05.2018

Anyone played origins? Idk if it's worth. Syndicate didn't catch me for long , and only one I really played a lot of was black flag

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicWhat are you playing till BDO comes out

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