Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


What do you think next update is?
Legend*** 2019-04-22 20:03
3677 44 0 0
1 2
# 31
Edit Date : 24.04.2019
2 minutes ago, imemix said:

This update should have server issue fixes, boss fixes with other ingame fixes and balances for the classes.



Um what balances are you expecting for the classes

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 32
Edit Date : 24.04.2019

I am personally hoping in this update to get forced pvp removed.

Character Name Deathz An***
Main Character
# 33
Edit Date : 24.04.2019

Never have too many sharps and hards at this stage. Gathering is fun !

Character Name Dok***
Main Character
# 34
Edit Date : 24.04.2019

You guys want an update every week or something? Why aren't you vets playing on PC? Why play on xbox and complain it's updating too slow? I think most people are brand new and they need some time to figure this game out, it's only been out for like a month. If you want all that content then go back to PC, I really don't understand the rush.

Character Name justfa***
Main Character
# 35
Edit Date : 24.04.2019

there is only one thing that they add for sure/guarantee and that's pear shop items lol cuz money hungry that's why... 

Character Name Ori***
Main Character
# 36
Edit Date : 24.04.2019
16 hours ago, Bnews757 said:

Yea use a alt deced guild shows up and you get killed over and over lol. I did it to some poor striker in an enemy guild. Take my luck with night vendor. Crystals nothing really that important now that cant be replaced.

It honestly loving sucks. My buddy has a level 49 witch that he just sits there and autos with - I'm pretty jealous. I have a level 55 wiz alt with 366 gs that get's one comboed by players in rival guilds with 460 gs. 

Character Name D**
Main Character
# 37
Edit Date : 24.04.2019
1 hour ago, justfaded said:

You guys want an update every week or something? Why aren't you vets playing on PC? Why play on xbox and complain it's updating too slow? I think most people are brand new and they need some time to figure this game out, it's only been out for like a month. If you want all that content then go back to PC, I really don't understand the rush.

Just because you are new doesn't mean that "most" are brand new. 

Character Name Tr3***
Main Character
# 38
Edit Date : 25.04.2019
8 hours ago, Tr3nch said:

Just because you are new doesn't mean that "most" are brand new. 

Game came out one month ago, it would be weird if most players weren't new. And the way I see it, most PC players are here for two reasons: they want to play the older version of the game or they got tired of getting beat down on PC and came over to xbox to trash on noobs. That second group is basically smurfs and it's weak. Especially when they're whining about how updates are coming out too slowly for them to get even stronger than xbox players trying to learn the game first. 

Character Name justfa***
Main Character
# 39
Edit Date : 25.04.2019
10 hours ago, DTG said:

It honestly loving sucks. My buddy has a level 49 witch that he just sits there and autos with - I'm pretty jealous. I have a level 55 wiz alt with 366 gs that get's one comboed by players in rival guilds with 460 gs. 

Yea some striker of a rival guild was at field boss. Everytime he got close to boss i killed him. Im assuming it was an alt because he was very weak or just low gear score. It was funny it took him a while to realize where i was in a ghillie because so many people lol

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 40
Edit Date : 26.04.2019

Equipment Tailoring Coupon PLEASE

Character Name TastyNu***
Main Character
# 41
Edit Date : 30.04.2019

BTW the game came out 2 months ago, not just one...

Character Name Staypunk1***
Main Character
# 42
Edit Date : 30.04.2019
45 minutes ago, Staypunk1989 said:

BTW the game came out 2 months ago, not just one...

Technically, still a few days to hit that mark. Also this thread was a week ago.... 

Character Name Yia***
Main Character
# 43
Edit Date : 30.04.2019
On 4/24/2019 at 11:49 AM, Pratorean said:

No cp dishes, no cooking outfit, no Brand stones, no tailoring Coupon, no npc fixes. Only useless furniture and horse gear, New kzarka times for EU may be we can kill it in morning spawn yet, new event is rather meh, more free hards sharps. And yeah fieldbosses should be fixed yet, only one spawn instead of seven at time, bosfights will be more laggy. GJ PA

You know the Canapé cooking outfit is already in the game right? Literally looking at it now. 

Character Name Yia***
Main Character
# 44
Edit Date : 30.04.2019
32 minutes ago, Yiazzy said:

You know the Canapé cooking outfit is already in the game right? Literally looking at it now. 

When you look at my Post date, you wouldnt talk bullshit

Character Name Prator***
Main Character
# 45
Edit Date : 01.05.2019
1 hour ago, Pratorean said:

When you look at my Post date, you wouldnt talk bullshit

Yes yes it was 6 days ago. I was INFORMING YOU, you fractious ass. 

Character Name Yia***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicWhat do you think next update is?

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