Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Beta feedback
Greyfal*** 2019-08-14 21:05
531 3 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 14.08.2019

Really enjoyed the beta. Some feedback. I hope its useful:

Need to be able to hide / resize / move UI elements. Ie Names + bars above head. Button prompts on side and bottom. Chat window + font size etc.

Textures load VERY slowly. Especially when talking to NPCs. Gives a really bad first impression. 

Enable left & right on Dpad and sticks to switch options when speaking to NPCs. Just L1 & L2 feels un-intuitive.

Frame rate is poor.

Effects not always showing.

No walk setting? We have analogue sticks so slight tilt should do that.

Skills should be a tree like on PC. Its impossible to plan ahead with current layout.

Items should show details by default. Press Square to Hide. Its backwards at the moment. 

Need to show descriptions as well as icons when setting up ring menus.

Is not clear if costumes / pets / horses / pearl shop items apply to account or single characters. This needs to be SUPER CLEAR so as not to annoy customers. 



Will add more as I remember them. Looking forward to release and playing Tamer again some day.


Character Name Greyfal***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 15.08.2019

Textures load VERY slowly. Especially when talking to NPCs. Gives a really bad first impression. 

I'm sure they'll fix this one eventually, but one short term fix would be to use a SSD in your PS4.

Most MMO and open world games actually load stuff much, much faster on a SSD.

I had a SSD in my PS3 for FF14 and the difference was night and day in terms of loading times and reduced or virtually non-existant pop-in.

Character Name Soniee2***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 15.08.2019
3 hours ago, Soniee2019 said:

I'm sure they'll fix this one eventually, but one short term fix would be to use a SSD in your PS4.

Most MMO and open world games actually load stuff much, much faster on a SSD.

I had a SSD in my PS3 for FF14 and the difference was night and day in terms of loading times and reduced or virtually non-existant pop-in.

Thanks for the tip!

Character Name Greyfal***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 15.08.2019
15 hours ago, Greyfallen said:

Really enjoyed the beta. Some feedback. I hope its useful:

Need to be able to hide / resize / move UI elements. Ie Names + bars above head. Button prompts on side and bottom. Chat window + font size etc.

Textures load VERY slowly. Especially when talking to NPCs. Gives a really bad first impression. 

Enable left & right on Dpad and sticks to switch options when speaking to NPCs. Just L1 & L2 feels un-intuitive.

Frame rate is poor.

Effects not always showing.

No walk setting? We have analogue sticks so slight tilt should do that.

Skills should be a tree like on PC. Its impossible to plan ahead with current layout.

Items should show details by default. Press Square to Hide. Its backwards at the moment. 

Need to show descriptions as well as icons when setting up ring menus.

Is not clear if costumes / pets / horses / pearl shop items apply to account or single characters. This needs to be SUPER CLEAR so as not to annoy customers. 



Will add more as I remember them. Looking forward to release and playing Tamer again some day.


Yeah i totally agree on the UI. Sometimes Chat gets covered by Hotbar. The whole screen feels clogged up . Would be nice if we could re-adjust some of the elements. 

Character Name Hypno_Crac***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicBeta feedback

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