Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


HiroYam*** 2020-05-11 18:46
396 1 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 11.05.2020

i suggest that Potions should be weightless i don't see why this is probably one of the only games where potions add a substantial weight when they are in your inventory, especially for classes that need them like Dk for HP and Musa for WP is there anything that can possibly be done about this in future patches or updates or are they always going to be like this ?

Character Name HiroYam***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 12.05.2020

Your in luck. Next update has infinite potions.

Character Name WindTh***
Main Character

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