Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


UI Glitches & Crashes
lvlontheins*** 2019-08-13 11:51
672 4 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 13.08.2019

** Played on a launch PS4 which runs great & with AC going to the point I actually shiver sometimes gaming as I make sure that room gets great air flow thus no heat damage/issues. **

  • The UI will automatically move selection to the first item randomly in a menu such as quests or inventory.  This would happen while reviewing my quests in the field, to using a garden when spamming water, and also when crafting with both the item selection & recipe selection both.


  • Custom chat doesn't disable anything you change in settings until you log out, switch servers, or return to char selection.  It will however enable chats.


  • Anyone using a 720p tv will have their screen cut off.  I assume this would be fixed with more complex settings to allow adjusting the screen area for those users but noting it.  It didn't effect me using a sony 1080p tv but my friend spent a few minutes having me explain how to tell what server they were on until they took a SS that showed a cut off screen that still showed the server and on their screen they seen nothing due to their 720p tv I've informed them needs replaced.


  • And finally, the game seems to have issues with the code using for loading/releasing textures/models and playing sounds.  I never crashed once unless I logged into the game then started to run which would cause creatures to be loaded up and others to be let go.  And I always crashed the moment my character or a creature made a sound with the slight echo effect as the sound cut off entirely.  It causes a memory leak judging by the fact it locks the game up and doesn't crash.  Then closing the app was lagged along with the error report then informs me the OS had to restart (in true sony fashion it only restarted the GUI and kept my party active while my friend laughed at me get more and more frustrated).  I finally decided after 3 quick crashes in 10 minutes to log in and stand around doing nothing for a few minutes like i normally did in a town and I had no issues once again.  The areas I crashed had no players or 1-2 tops within loading distance that maybe I couldn't see but twice it happened in the middle of no where in the woods so doubtful.

Character Name lvlontheins***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 13.08.2019
36 minutes ago, lvlontheinside said:
  • Anyone using a 720p tv will have their screen cut off.  I assume this would be fixed with more complex settings to allow adjusting the screen area for those users but noting it.  It didn't effect me using a sony 1080p tv but my friend spent a few minutes having me explain how to tell what server they were on until they took a SS that showed a cut off screen that still showed the server and on their screen they seen nothing due to their 720p tv I've informed them needs replaced.?

This one i think can be solved via ps4 graphics settings

Character Name Gemoglo***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 14.08.2019
On 8/13/2019 at 8:28 AM, Gemoglobin said:

This one i think can be solved via ps4 graphics settings ??

I am helping my friend fix it by checking for a quality & decently priced TV for launch.  But it's still something they should be testing before the launch if the game being displayed has something like 20% cut off and a screenshot of the game has 10% cut off.  This would mean both the game and system itself aren't playing nice with displaying the game on 720P a tv as I had often seen complaints about it in world chat.  A screenshot of the game would have 0% cut off if it worked properly after all.

Character Name lvlontheins***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 20.08.2019

I'm having about 20% cut off the screen. I'm tempted to call psn for a refund because I can't play BD with the current UI screen. 

Character Name Oz***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 20.08.2019

From what I've read xbox has had the same issue with IU screen for 5 months now. 

Character Name Oz***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicUI Glitches & Crashes

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