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When someone enters your rotation lol
Bnews*** 2019-06-03 23:05
1351 21 0 0
# 2
Edit Date : 03.06.2019


Character Name Nighting***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 03.06.2019

Didnt get the knock down and missed my big damage on this one but still got the job done i guess lol

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

lol did you blow your grab on him? or miss the KD from one of your skills?

Character Name Nighting***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
20 minutes ago, Nightingale said:

lol did you blow your grab on him? or miss the KD from one of your skills?

I missed the water sphere attack for knock down. Sometimes that grab is so iffy need to be right up on them lol miss it and can cost you if you dont react quick enough.

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

Should read "When an average Joe enters a P2W players rotation"


Character Name OKAYIGETIT***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
5 minutes ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

Should read "When an average Joe enters a P2W players rotation"


If your not a noob your p2w right ??? #crymeariver

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
2 minutes ago, Bnews757 said:

If your not a noob your p2w right ??? #crymeariver

Dude you were going on about spending $300 on pearls trying to TET your awakening not long ago. It's pretty obvious you massively outgear him you're literally 1 shotting him!

Character Name OKAYIGETIT***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
6 minutes ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

Dude you were going on about spending $300 on pearls trying to TET your awakening not long ago. It's pretty obvious you massively outgear him you're literally 1 shotting him!

300 p2w to you lol. Wizard is pretty strong are you new to bdo? 100percent, ult, awakening buff hello most wont survive it geared or not

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
11 minutes ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

Dude you were going on about spending $300 on pearls trying to TET your awakening not long ago. It's pretty obvious you massively outgear him you're literally 1 shotting him!

And not my fault if i out gear him he should stay at helms if he is weak. Should i have whispered him and said," excuse me sir i want to flag on you but i was wondering what your gear score is first" said no one ever ???

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

Finally know his in game name ?? 


side note, shield wall still a thing or yall just coping buffs?

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
6 minutes ago, MakeumRage said:

Finally know his in game name ?? 


side note, shield wall still a thing or yall just coping buffs?

Hi lol. We going strong still.

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

ahh ok true that. Aint seen many around or on nodes lately. 

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
5 minutes ago, MakeumRage said:

ahh ok true that. Aint seen many around or on nodes lately. 

I think everyone is ghillied up lol. Im on the other side of the world living in korea at the moment so my time is a little off. Its tuesday 12afternoon so when im on grinding i think most sleep or going to. I only get to spend quality time weekends with everyone but will change soon hoepfully.

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
6 hours ago, Bnews757 said:

300 p2w to you lol. Wizard is pretty strong are you new to bdo? 100percent, ult, awakening buff hello most wont survive it geared or not

Yeah mate spending $300 on a blue item that will probably be replaced this month or next is p2w. If you're willing to spend that on an item that's not even BIS then I'm pretty sure you're spending on other items such as boss gear & accessories too.

I just find it funny that you come on bragging about owning people when you clearly p2w. Sorry if that offends you but the P2W aspect of this game is something that I despise. It allows people like yourself to dominate zones & players without much resistance. Enjoy it while it lasts because you're not going to outgear people forever.

Character Name OKAYIGETIT***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

That's a Free Jail Ticket for you sir.

Character Name Grammati***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 04.06.2019

I try not to enter someone's rotation but the fact we have so many people grinding Valencia and this few servers in EU makes grinding impossible during afternoon and evening hours - this has to change. I imagine that grind spots are free in Europe starting from midnight onwards..

Glad you can protect your spot and I trust that over time people will get the rules of grinding in bdx.


Do we even have a duel option on Xbox? lol 

Character Name Rocketfuel77***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
56 minutes ago, Rocketfuel77777 said:

I try not to enter someone's rotation but the fact we have so many people grinding Valencia and this few servers in EU makes grinding impossible during afternoon and evening hours - this has to change. I imagine that grind spots are free in Europe starting from midnight onwards..

Glad you can protect your spot and I trust that over time people will get the rules of grinding in bdx.


Do we even have a duel option on Xbox? lol 

No we dont have dueling option yet. That will be nice to have eventually. Weekends are pretty packed na. Its fun kind of though get to fight alot for spots and always have to watch your back.

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
1 hour ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

Yeah mate spending $300 on a blue item that will probably be replaced this month or next is p2w. If you're willing to spend that on an item that's not even BIS then I'm pretty sure you're spending on other items such as boss gear & accessories too.

I just find it funny that you come on bragging about owning people when you clearly p2w. Sorry if that offends you but the P2W aspect of this game is something that I despise. It allows people like yourself to dominate zones & players without much resistance. Enjoy it while it lasts because you're not going to outgear people forever.

Bis until you get a dande which isnt promised and when i have extra money laying around yup i will use it game. Havent started on accessories yet. (Gold accessories) Too much of a headache right now. If 217ap is out gearing everyone haha ok bud. That ap is not even high. The whole point is to dominate zones why would i want you to gear up and get money? Lol

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
6 minutes ago, Bnews757 said:

Bis until you get a dande which isnt promised and when i have extra money laying around yup i will use it game. Havent started on accessories yet. (Gold accessories) Too much of a headache right now. If 217ap is out gearing everyone haha ok bud. That ap is not even high. The whole point is to dominate zones why would i want you to gear up and get money? Lol

At this point in time I think 217ap is significantly higher than the majority of the player base.

A none p2w player doesn't drop $300 on pearls in one morning trying to upgrade a weapon, so don't try to justify it as normal practice for this game.

Yeah the point is to dominate a zone and be able to hold your own when it comes to PvP & areas being contested. The problem is when a player comes along that's paid to get ahead of the curve it changes the dynamic of this aspect of the game.

Fair play if you're willing to spend that kind of cash to be able to get ahead for a few months, but I'm just pointing out the fact the you p2w and this is the impact it has on the game for other players.

Character Name OKAYIGETIT***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
5 minutes ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

At this point in time I think 217ap is significantly higher than the majority of the player base.

A none p2w player doesn't drop $300 on pearls in one morning trying to upgrade a weapon, so don't try to justify it as normal practice for this game.

Yeah the point is to dominate a zone and be able to hold your own when it comes to PvP & areas being contested. The problem is when a player comes along that's paid to get ahead of the curve it changes the dynamic of this aspect of the game.

Fair play if you're willing to spend that kind of cash to be able to get ahead for a few months, but I'm just pointing out the fact the you p2w and this is the impact it has on the game for other players.

Cool story carry on

Character Name Bnews***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 04.06.2019
10 hours ago, OKAYIGETITNOW said:

Dude you were going on about spending $300 on pearls trying to TET your awakening not long ago. It's pretty obvious you massively outgear him you're literally 1 shotting him!

You should look at the skills he is using. If you look close enough when his wizards hands go above his head and you see this massive fire ball go up then down that is his 100% - Bolide of Destruction. Seeing as both do not appear to be Strikers he has an extra 20AP magic to use against him passively. You really don't want to underestimate a skilled wizard equally or even lesser geared than you with a grab (or knockdown) and that 100% can just about 1 shot anything not a mystic and Striker. 

I know this from PC I use to main wizard for quite some time. as long as i had 200 - 210 AP with my DP build i could kill 250 -260AP players like it was nothing. I had just enough AP when i would fight a FULL DP wizard (probably in the low 130 AP range but 400 DP range) i could kill them after i got them to blow their healing skills. 

Character Name Nighting***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicWhen someone enters your rotation lol

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