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Valencia 1 quest abuse
ludius*** 2020-02-14 07:35
7109 12 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 14.02.2020

Deleting rerolling 2-3 character a day to do Valencia 1 questline is a huge problem with this game because it causes unnatural progression and people abuse it for game progression and rely on it.

it hurts sales in the CM because nobody buys weapons to devour.  It’s bad for the game and is cheesy tactic.

please make quest rewards 3 run through per family

Character Name ludius***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 14.02.2020

yep i did the same post in this forum 2  months ago

it's getting absoluty abused...

Character Name Li***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 14.02.2020

I have done the quest twice so far.  There is multiple problem with this.  

1. PA is trying to sell enhancement kits.  There is no reason to buy them just repeat Valencia 1.

2. Other players can not enhance weapons for sale that aren’t BIS or not +18-+20 and actually get sales, even through they did put the devouring mechanic in the game.

3. Non BiS weapons are not worth any silver.

4. Life skill gathering and seal farming is not as lucrative as is good be.

5. Players are rapidly enhancing to 530 gearscore and saying there is nothing to do in the game and quit playing.

Another good suggestions is to allow the quest to be available once per character slot and you would have to pay for additional character slot to receive advice of valks reward.

Silver per hour there is no way to grind or lifeskill the amount of silver gained from doing 3 Valencia quest lines a day on a character it worth so much silver.

Character Name ludius***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 14.02.2020
13 minutes ago, ludiusvox said:

I have done the quest twice so far.  There is multiple problem with this.  

1. PA is trying to sell enhancement kits.  There is no reason to buy them just repeat Valencia 1.

2. Other players can not enhance weapons for sale that aren’t BIS or not +18-+20 and actually get sales, even through they did put the devouring mechanic in the game.

3. Non BiS weapons are not worth any silver.

4. Life skill gathering and seal farming is not as lucrative as is good be.

5. Players are rapidly enhancing to 530 gearscore and saying there is nothing to do in the game and quit playing.

Another good suggestions is to allow the quest to be available once per character slot and you would have to pay for additional character slot to receive advice of valks reward.

Silver per hour there is no way to grind or lifeskill the amount of silver gained from doing 3 Valencia quest lines a day on a character it worth so much silver.

No serious bdo player relies on valencia questline cause after you hit all tet weapons and armors the time comes for accessories and pen gear and you can't get tet accessories with val quest failstack. Unless you purposefully fail tet gear attempts but I doubt you are at this point if you have problem with valencia questline stacks and call it abuse. You would flip your sh*t if one of those 50stacks you spent hours to get from the quest popped on some random green gear you needed to fail. 

Check BiohackTV for example. 


Character Name Rocketfuel77***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 14.02.2020

Lol you saying you don’t need it because you can’t hit PEN and TET accessory lmao.

Character Name ludius***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 14.02.2020

To GET to TET to PEN is the point, why should the game give you free stacks when you could be paying other players

Character Name ludius***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 16.02.2020

This really isn't as big an issue as you may think honestly you can get stacks easily enough just trying to actually enhance your gear I've made 50 stacks trying to plus 15 boss gear as for non bis gear not being worth anything your pretty far off base theres grunil which is easy to farm sells for easily 50 mil for the right enhance lvl.


The other part of this is they want us to have crossplay with Xbox at some point a playerbase that has had a year to farm and work on characters ad well as more advanced content how do you think the PS4 population would fair against them? 

They of course sell enhance items as well as pets and tents and outfits and everything else. I buy outfits to Cron tet attempts from the cm so even without spending money I'm supporting the game because players wouldn't sell outfits if there was no silver in it for them. I just prefer to spend my real cash elsewhere rather than dump hundreds of dollars into a single game. It's not like it's f2p is it? We all spent money to play.

As well as that one 50 stack really means nothing it's easier to get those than the 20-30 stacks you need for getting stuff back to duo or tri I could blow ever stack from the Val quest line and end up at pri on a peice I already had at tri. 

Also ppl aren't quitting because hitting tet and having nothing to do they get tired of rnjezuz and repeating steps1-10 especially when you enhance console players aren't the same as PC players the game has some fun aspects but I've seen plenty quit due to toxic nature of the playerbase and just enhancing as well as the performance this game won't last on consoles especially on PS4 unless they can figure out how to get the full game running and make less bottlenecks

it's a five year old game and as soon as something new and shiny comes out players will flock away without hesitation especially those that aren't heavily cash invested in the game only the whales will remain unable to cut their losses.


Character Name socals***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 17.02.2020
On 2/14/2020 at 5:44 PM, ludiusvox said:

To GET to TET to PEN is the point, why should the game give you free stacks when you could be paying other players

It's not free if you put work towards it. Dude, your logic amuses me. 

Character Name Rocketfuel77***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 18.02.2020

Thank you for the suggestion, I will send this off to the devs today. I sent both sides in for the devs to weigh out the player opinions. ??


CM Valtarra


Character Name CM_Valta***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 20.02.2020

How is this even an issue? I've ran this quest maybe 50 times and still have a bunch of items to tet thanks to the atrocious rng, (along with more destroyed accessories than I can count) besides which I STILL devour items for fs. I will never do it from cm though, it'll be done through reblath/items I grind.

As for "PA need to sell enhancement packs" give me a break. I've put hundreds into this game already, if i'm practically forced to pay just to get anywhere with one of the worst upgrade systems I have ever seen, I'm out.

Character Name Zerkd***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 26.03.2020

FYI black desert

alot of ppl will quit this game if u remove this the upgrade is straight trash and you gonna make it worst 

Character Name TheKin***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 26.03.2020

Because of this post and probably others who don't understand what RNG has to do with the game have made it a bit more difficult. I've been playing this game for 4 years now. When I first started I ran through Valencia with most of my classes BEFORE there were any added fail stacks to the game. So I missed out on getting those fail stacks compared to new players who were able to get them when they first started. These new players who got those fail stacks had better gear then I did within 1 month of playing. So playing for 2 years with no Fail stacks added to having the fail stacks added and NEW players already passing me with gear score because of the fail stacks. Now learning that they were added I was able to FINALLY get the required fail stacks to help enhance my gear. Trying to build fail stacks for me is impossible. Most people can build a 20 FS on Reblath when I can't get past 10 FS before it pops. Now going to boss gear I can't pop my gear on a 50 or 60 FS that's been built up from the free ones we do get. For instance my Tet Urugon's didn't go until I made a 91 stack from the FREE 70 stack we got from the attendance rewards.


Now going on a rant about you saying to add a PAY TO WIN option for those to BUY FAIL STACK'S from Pearl Shop. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? My money I make goes to my kids not to this game. And when I do have the money yes I buy Outfits or the $50 TENT that you basically should get especially when you grind. I buy outfits not to CRON though I am a FASHIONISTA and just LOVE to buy an outfit for looks. Most of my outfits I have bought with Silver from the Market Place. You can't buy Tents or Underwear or other important items from Pearl Shop it's limited to what you can buy. And I am sure as hell no one would buy the fail stacks off pearl shop just so they can get a CHANCE to get a tet or pen item. I know people who for giggles went for a PEN on a 1 stack and got a PEN weapon as a meme.

Taking away the free stacks or making it more difficult or even more boring to get them will actually for 1 make NEW players quit the game. And for 2 Make Old players not want to waist their time or money on enhancing gear to make gains for PVP purposes. That's why it was easier to do the valencian quest line to use the free 50 stack to build up for Tet accessories and Tet boss gear. NOT TO MENTION THE NEW BLACK STAR GEAR THAT'S COMING OUT. You NEED basically a 200 fail stack to get a TRI enhancement rate.

But if you want this game to be all fair let's just remove ALL FREE fail stacks that are GIVEN to us through Bartali's Adventure Log x2 100 FS, Alter of Blood x1 100 FS, Rulupee's Travel Log, DAILY LOG IN REWARDS, RETURNING ADVENTURER REWARDS, Shakatu boxes, Oasis boxes, Black Spirit Adventurer, Devour option on weapons, or even the events that the DEV'S give us.

To complain about this is in my opinion selfish. You don't think about those who have BAD RNG or TOO GOOD of RNG to build up fail stacks for gear. Buying gear also is more expensive then you think. Those with good RNG can make a TET accessory on a 40 stack (had a guild mate do that.) And sell it for good profit. And the person who is buying that probably has been grinding their butt off for maybe a month or 2 months to get that money to buy that item from another player. Now that money is hard to grind if you don't have TET BOSS GEAR to do so. Or you can be a sea dweller and do Bartering to get that in maybe a month.

But thank you for not fully understanding this game and making it even more difficult and long and boring for some of us who don't have all the time in the world to play the game in the first place. For me I play on my down time when the kids are in bed and after work. I get about maybe 2 - 3 hours a day and some of that I grind or do Node Wars with my guild. That's compared to some who work from home and spend 8 - 10 hours a day playing the game who grind for maybe 4 hours and can easily buy the gear they want from other players.


Just a food for thought before you make this game less fun to play for EVERYONE.

Character Name DeathsDesi***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 28.06.2020
On 3/26/2020 at 2:36 PM, DeathsDesires said:

Because of this post and probably others who don't understand what RNG has to do with the game have made it a bit more difficult. I've been playing this game for 4 years now. When I first started I ran through Valencia with most of my classes BEFORE there were any added fail stacks to the game. So I missed out on getting those fail stacks compared to new players who were able to get them when they first started. These new players who got those fail stacks had better gear then I did within 1 month of playing. So playing for 2 years with no Fail stacks added to having the fail stacks added and NEW players already passing me with gear score because of the fail stacks. Now learning that they were added I was able to FINALLY get the required fail stacks to help enhance my gear. Trying to build fail stacks for me is impossible. Most people can build a 20 FS on Reblath when I can't get past 10 FS before it pops. Now going to boss gear I can't pop my gear on a 50 or 60 FS that's been built up from the free ones we do get. For instance my Tet Urugon's didn't go until I made a 91 stack from the FREE 70 stack we got from the attendance rewards.


Now going on a rant about you saying to add a PAY TO WIN option for those to BUY FAIL STACK'S from Pearl Shop. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? My money I make goes to my kids not to this game. And when I do have the money yes I buy Outfits or the $50 TENT that you basically should get especially when you grind. I buy outfits not to CRON though I am a FASHIONISTA and just LOVE to buy an outfit for looks. Most of my outfits I have bought with Silver from the Market Place. You can't buy Tents or Underwear or other important items from Pearl Shop it's limited to what you can buy. And I am sure as hell no one would buy the fail stacks off pearl shop just so they can get a CHANCE to get a tet or pen item. I know people who for giggles went for a PEN on a 1 stack and got a PEN weapon as a meme.

Taking away the free stacks or making it more difficult or even more boring to get them will actually for 1 make NEW players quit the game. And for 2 Make Old players not want to waist their time or money on enhancing gear to make gains for PVP purposes. That's why it was easier to do the valencian quest line to use the free 50 stack to build up for Tet accessories and Tet boss gear. NOT TO MENTION THE NEW BLACK STAR GEAR THAT'S COMING OUT. You NEED basically a 200 fail stack to get a TRI enhancement rate.

But if you want this game to be all fair let's just remove ALL FREE fail stacks that are GIVEN to us through Bartali's Adventure Log x2 100 FS, Alter of Blood x1 100 FS, Rulupee's Travel Log, DAILY LOG IN REWARDS, RETURNING ADVENTURER REWARDS, Shakatu boxes, Oasis boxes, Black Spirit Adventurer, Devour option on weapons, or even the events that the DEV'S give us.

To complain about this is in my opinion selfish. You don't think about those who have BAD RNG or TOO GOOD of RNG to build up fail stacks for gear. Buying gear also is more expensive then you think. Those with good RNG can make a TET accessory on a 40 stack (had a guild mate do that.) And sell it for good profit. And the person who is buying that probably has been grinding their butt off for maybe a month or 2 months to get that money to buy that item from another player. Now that money is hard to grind if you don't have TET BOSS GEAR to do so. Or you can be a sea dweller and do Bartering to get that in maybe a month.

But thank you for not fully understanding this game and making it even more difficult and long and boring for some of us who don't have all the time in the world to play the game in the first place. For me I play on my down time when the kids are in bed and after work. I get about maybe 2 - 3 hours a day and some of that I grind or do Node Wars with my guild. That's compared to some who work from home and spend 8 - 10 hours a day playing the game who grind for maybe 4 hours and can easily buy the gear they want from other players.


Just a food for thought before you make this game less fun to play for EVERYONE.

They added in new mechanics in the game for failstacks, via events, darkspirit greed, and dragon scales!

Character Name ludius***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicValencia 1 quest abuse

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