Hey peeps , I saw a funny BDO video on this once we're a guy had friend able to come in but he was either locked out or couldn't interact with them or things in his house . There were even dead NPCs in his house.
He calls his strange outtakes 'whatever's".
I don't know what rules are on posting links here but Google it and BDO you'll eventually find it .
You get a laugh I'm sure.
1Update Roud Sulfur Works Drops & Mob Distribution11.08.20200 494Glory11.08.2020
1Character & Server Switch10.08.20201 489DoktaVODKA10.08.2020
0Funny Video10.08.20200 423Things2doo10.08.2020
1quick travel08.08.20201 438Tiano08.08.2020
0Working on it !07.08.20200 372Death07.08.2020