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Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


The future of BDO and next gen consoles!
UBTHEJUDGE 2021-04-26 11:37
1020 10 7 4
# 1
Edit Date : 26.04.2021

Hi all,


There have been discussions within the forums regarding next generation consoles and 120fps specifically, whereby Microsoft consoles may have the upper hand with having said 120fps available and sadly due to Sony’s machine not having the feature readily available for last gen titles via a patch, this leaves those who have stayed loyal to Sony actually losing out and due to no fault of their own want answers and rightly so!


The purpose of this post is to bring up the question with Pearl Abyss as to what the future holds in regards to next generation consoles, so as to at least bring some clarity to query and bring both machines specifications into play and I’m sure you will all agree, knowing either way will at least bring clarification and also broach the question at hand regarding 120fps and if Sony are likely to see an upgrade if next gen variations are not to be implemented!


Please, if you read this and would like answers on the subject, either bump the post or feedback regarding your wishes!


For your consideration, if the option were made available, would you migrate your account to play with PC players if made available as this could be an option depending on what Pearl Abyss decide to do!



Character Name UBTHEJUDGE
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 01.05.2021

You guys are rediculous you already win the lottery for even having a PS5 6 months after release during Covid but now the McDonalism of gaming is reaching new heights.  The human eye cannot detect above 30 fps and yet you want to increase your fps for things that A. Only a subset of the population has and B.  Why should PA cater to the 4% of its playerbase that have a PS5.  

Character Name Luxcia
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 01.05.2021
On: 2021-05-01 05:51, by Luxcia

You guys are rediculous you already win the lottery for even having a PS5 6 months after release during Covid but now the McDonalism of gaming is reaching new heights.  The human eye cannot detect above 30 fps and yet you want to increase your fps for things that A. Only a subset of the population has and B.  Why should PA cater to the 4% of its playerbase that have a PS5.  

12 Hours ago

a comment worthy of an average extremist. why? just because it's 4% does it have to be ignored? is that why you can't offer a good service while other studios are?


I don't even know if answering is a good idea since I don't want to be at your level

Character Name Benjamin8
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 01.05.2021
On: 2021-05-01 05:51, by Luxcia

You guys are rediculous you already win the lottery for even having a PS5 6 months after release during Covid but now the McDonalism of gaming is reaching new heights.  The human eye cannot detect above 30 fps and yet you want to increase your fps for things that A. Only a subset of the population has and B.  Why should PA cater to the 4% of its playerbase that have a PS5.  

14 Hours ago

I would suggest researching data before stipulating or stating as fact, the human eye can detect far more than 30fps and one of the most recent tests by the Massachusettes institute of technology states that the brain can process a picture  seen for only 13 milliseconds which is around 75fps but there is debate that the human eye can actually detect and brain can process higher FPS than that!


Lets not also forget screen flicker and how images are processed and translated to screen then onto the human eye, higher FPS has notable difference in regards to the flicker rate, less flicker rate is easier on the eye for starters and also don’t forget the disclaimer in regards to flicker rate on β€˜all’ games pertaining to epilepsy sufferers as this may also suggest that these individuals would have less of a reaction and also less motion sickness to those that experience these issues when gaming!


Furthermore, having a higher spec console is also beneficial for ADHD sufferers like myself, I’ve spoken in depth with psychiatrists regards the slow mo and sped up process under certain situations and again can cause nausea, fussiness and dizziness and since owning and Xbox series x running at 120fps is much easier on the eye and I don’t see the stutter as I once did with bdo and other games!


Please also note, having a higher spec machine isn’t akin to winning the lottery it’s simply saving and not spending needlessly and being an avid gamer, I don’t drink, go clubbing or blow money on what’s deemed the latest fashion and spend it on gaming as that’s my hobby, but then again I’m 49 and not drank alcohol in over 20yr and much better in pocket for that reason alone!


Last but not least, having a dedicated port for new generation consoles would be a good thing, not only for PA to future proof the game for years to come, but also for the user base to take advantage of, if you have a game capable of 120fps but don’t utilise the feature due to having a 60hz screen that creates less stress on the cpu/gpu and ultimately causes less heat due to using less resources and also less lag which I’m sure you will agree is a common problem for bdo on console, so basically what PC users would say running in potato mode, game looks good but not at optimal for a smooth, lag free experience!


Character Name UBTHEJUDGE
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 01.05.2021

Think of images like a strobe light flashing in a night club and the effect it causes the eyes to see!


Strobe lights are around the 12 flashes per second, 120 flashes per second would seem like a constant light rather than a flicker, the faster the FPS the less flickers you will see, please don’t get upset with what the future and the technology available now and even in the future!


Just remember, cars and planes were once made of wood and TV’s were only in monochrome, mobile phones used to be strapped to the backs of infantry in the war and look where we are today!


My post regarding the matter; the future of next gen consoles, is merely looking to what the future holds for BDO, what plans there may be and also to address what one user group/Microsoft have in benefit over a similar user group/Sony!

Character Name UBTHEJUDGE
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 02.05.2021
On: 2021-05-01 05:51, by Luxcia

You guys are rediculous you already win the lottery for even having a PS5 6 months after release during Covid but now the McDonalism of gaming is reaching new heights.  The human eye cannot detect above 30 fps and yet you want to increase your fps for things that A. Only a subset of the population has and B.  Why should PA cater to the 4% of its playerbase that have a PS5.  

1 Days ago

I didn't win the lottery - I paid $1000 to a "college student" who "needed tuition" and then went and sold my PS4 Pro for $400 basically saving $150 on retail price and not having to wait a year to get a PS5 while my PS4 lost value.


Also I suggest you do some research because the human eye can indeed detect WELL above 30FPS


You may want to look at the in how this game plays in 4K vs 1080p - 4K is locked to 30FPS, 1080p is locked to 60FPS. If you can't see a difference between that than you're blind.


This game isn't the kind of game that needs 120FPS in any kind of real advantage like a first person shooter but to say there's no difference is ridiculous 

Character Name Kandicaine
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 02.05.2021

Hi all, I know it might not be the best place to ask but I guess I have performance issue playing BDO with my ps5 and this look like only non-dead tech related thread.

So- is it normal that my FPS fall dramatically whenever I grind and use skills? Same thing happens on every character, started playing 2 months ago- Guardian and Wizard and whenever there is some particle effect- especially skills, my FPS drop like crazy. I dream of a steady 60. I reinstalled BDO and nothing changed. Also got the "perfomance" mode turned on in PS settings. Blood, attack decisions etc are off. Is something wrong with my PS5?

Thanks in advance!

Character Name Ynaush
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 03.05.2021
On: 2021-05-02 15:43, by Ynaush

Hi all, I know it might not be the best place to ask but I guess I have performance issue playing BDO with my ps5 and this look like only non-dead tech related thread.

So- is it normal that my FPS fall dramatically whenever I grind and use skills? Same thing happens on every character, started playing 2 months ago- Guardian and Wizard and whenever there is some particle effect- especially skills, my FPS drop like crazy. I dream of a steady 60. I reinstalled BDO and nothing changed. Also got the "perfomance" mode turned on in PS settings. Blood, attack decisions etc are off. Is something wrong with my PS5?

Thanks in advance!

1 Days ago

That's not normal are you sure you don't have 4K enabled? 

I'm a solid 60 with occasional freezes but never frame drops and have everything including camera effects and FOV set to maximum.


Im on the disc version of the console.


The performance/resolution mode setting on PS is also useless all it does is automatically select a preset if the game offers it (which BDO doesn't offer a performance or resolution mode). It won't actually increase your performance.

Character Name Kandicaine
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 04.05.2021
On: 2021-05-03 20:34, by Kandicaine

That's not normal are you sure you don't have 4K enabled? 

I'm a solid 60 with occasional freezes but never frame drops and have everything including camera effects and FOV set to maximum.


Im on the disc version of the console.


The performance/resolution mode setting on PS is also useless all it does is automatically select a preset if the game offers it (which BDO doesn't offer a performance or resolution mode). It won't actually increase your performance.

1 Days ago

Okay, it was my bad. I see that some skills have this animation that simply looks like frame drops. It is so annoying. Some skills flow super smoothly and the others look like a lag fest. Is there a class without those annoying "slow-mo" animations?

Character Name Ynaush
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 05.05.2021
On: 2021-05-04 22:52, by Ynaush

Okay, it was my bad. I see that some skills have this animation that simply looks like frame drops. It is so annoying. Some skills flow super smoothly and the others look like a lag fest. Is there a class without those annoying "slow-mo" animations?

19 Hours ago

Yeah i forget what it's called but it's a feature of a lot of Asian fighting games it's to create a sense of force in the attacks


ita a kind of stutter I know what you mean. It's in basically every fighting game out there. Every class is going to have it to some degree - just by design of the game 

Character Name Kandicaine
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 06.10.2021

Well the developers gave in and announced they are going to make a 120 fps 1080p version eventually.  I am still crashing like PS4 when dying in pvp and I am trying to figure out why and I finally won the silicon lottery for a PS5.  That being said I still think pvp/rbf crashing is more important than 120 fps

Character Name Luxcia
Main Character
FeedbackTopicThe future of BDO and next gen consoles!

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