Everyone I am just putting this suggestion on here, I know it might or might not happened at all but this is what I'm reffering to with the mounts, I am talking about donkeys, camels, etc... The only mounts that can be breed, exchange with benefits are the horses. Why not make the camels, donkeys in the game have benefits like the horses yes they can use gear and so forth but only the horses are granted more attention on the benefit front. From the breeding and exchange game.
Make all mounts matter... Thank you.
5Please PA do Something !01.02.20232 492Athenalya01.02.2023
0Bigger caphra or Ancient spirit dust bundles27.01.20230 277Angryman27.01.2023
0Make more mounts have tiers, not just the horses25.01.20230 268AtlasMoon25.01.2023
0More Male Outfits and and Characters24.01.20230 229AvaOkami2624.01.2023
0Realm of the rift instead of elvira realm23.01.20230 242Angryman23.01.2023