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Atoraxxion Help Question
SilkenSin 2023-03-18 23:18
182 0 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 18.03.2023

Hey guys, I have a quick couple of questions about atoraxxion solo. 


First, when I took the quest and went to enter, it brought up a notice box that stated cannot complete in a party or platoon. Fine, since I was in neither anyway. 


I get to the shattered memories puzzle quest with the color memory pillars, after retrying failed attempts SO MANY days and hours, I finally get it! All pillars flashed gold and status completion flashed on screen...and yet..the quest will not update to progress and there is another player in here now.


So, my questions are: 

1. Are you supposed to see other players in atoraxxion dungeon? I thought it was instanced, so I should not be seeing other random players?

2. After completing puzzle, you are just supposed to interact with the ball again to complete right? I tried and the text was different this time, but then it just starts flashing colors again.


Sorry for the trouble, but, Thank You ahead for any insights you could pass on, because this puzzle was way beyond frustrating and I would really not like to have to pass it again lol. 

Character Name SilkenSin
Main Character
FeedbackTopicAtoraxxion Help Question

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