So 2 new character came out, went and made a dark knight. In my inventory for clothes i selected the rose one cuz i see it in there, when i created the charachter i had a regular outfit. So went back to beauty and tried selecting another outfit, also a regular one. It doesn't change the outfit? Anyone else?
0Button Help UI04.09.20192 1.3KUriel***04.09.2019
0Disconected from servers04.09.20191 468Neto vie***04.09.2019
0Changin of clothes04.09.20190 448Roland_8***04.09.2019
0Refund for Authentication Error04.09.20195 707S***04.09.2019
0[QUEST BUG] Searching for Clues04.09.20192 4.4KAiman A***04.09.2019