Black Desert will begin in a moment.

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Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Events [Event] A Desert Adventure
Black Desert 2019-05-17 09:30


The Desert is a harsh place to explore, and we want to guide you through some of the memorable locations the desert has to offer! Make your way to Sand Grain Bazaar, and our GMs will guide you through the desert. It is easy to get lost, so make sure you follow the traveling party as we head to Ibellab Oasis, Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Sharing, Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Fast and then Valencia, the region's capital.

Make sure to pick up your camel in Sand Grain Bazaar and join the caravan traveling through the desert. You will also need to get Purified Water and Star Anise tea from the General Goods Vendor to survive the harsh desert weather.



Event Period:

EU - May 19th 04:00 PM UTC

NA - May 19th 01:00 PM PDT


How to participate


1. Gather at Sand Grain Bazaar.
2. Pick up a camel from Bochlo, the stable keeper in Sand Grain Bazaar.
3. Grab some Purified Water and Star Anise Tea from the General Goods Vendor, Waida
4. Interact with GM Black to accept the traveling quest.
5. Interact with the GM Red (GM #1), Blue (GM #2) and Green (GM#3). You can collect your medal from GM Yellow at the end of the journey.
6. Our GMs will be sending rewards by mail after the event has concluded (please give us a few hours to send out all the items).


1x Hard Black Crystal Shard Bundle: 3
1x Sharp Black Crystal Shard Bundle: 3


Location of Sand Grain Bazaar





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